A company in Ontario, Canada was fined $70,000 dollars for not meeting an Environmental Protection Compliance Order. They were convicted earlier this year in January, and the money will be sent to the Environmental Damages Fund. The fund facilitates projects to repair or fix the damage caused by the companies fined for breaching the compliance orders. This particular infraction was for improper storage and destruction of polychlorinated biphenyls at rates above the permissible amount. The first standards set against PCB’s were set in 1977, and it regulated imports, manufacturing and sale of PCB’s throughout Canada, effectively banning them from further circulation in the economy. There were even further regulations put in place in 1985 to threaten any company releasing PCB’s in to the environment with strict fines and punishment. 2008 regulated the amount of concentrations allowed to prevent harming the environment from disposing of the chemicals at dangerous levels.
The main harm involved with PCB’s has to do with their danger to aquatic wildlife and ocean ecosystems. They were made in North America since 1929, but were never manufactured in Canada due to the risks involved with disposing them. These types of events are troubling for many reasons, not all of which include the danger to the environment and the company’s future. The other effects of improper HAZMAT storage include being placed on the Environmental Offenders Registry for the company’s lifespan, making it difficult to pass further regulations with stricter fines and more scrutinous examination processes. A fine of $70,000 dollars is for most companies, nothing to scoff at. The damage done to the corporation is substantial if not only in the amount of capital lost. Situations like this can be easily prevented by contacting US HAZMAT Rentals, which will easily handle all your chemical storage needs with efficacy and professionalism. If you aren’t sure what you need you needn’t worry, as our professionals handle all the logistics of each rentals with all compliances. Call now for a free consultation.