Flammable Storage Fees
Many areas are finding that the cost of taking care of chemical storage-related fires can be overwhelming. For that reason, certain towns such as Cedar Rapids, Iowa have begun to charge fees to companies to help cover this rising cost. According to The Gazette, some people are seeking to charge state fees in Iowa; as it is, only small locales have undertaken to charge fees according to the amount of hazardous materials stored. Other states, however, have applied statewide Tier II fees, with charges varying based on the number of chemicals and their hazard levels.
By applying this fee, communities find themselves more capable to finance the fire response teams required to keep the hazards in check.
If flammable storage fees do come to your area, there is a question of cost. Storing large amounts of chemicals can rack up a hefty fee, although your area, like Cedar Rapids, will likely have a maximum charge. (Cedar Rapids’ is $7,000, according to The Gazette.)
The purpose of these fees is to reduce the amount of chemicals stored in one place, thereby reducing the hazards of flammable storage. Tier II fees are determined based on the number of chemicals you report.
However much flammable storage you require, it is important to do so with safety and security.
Store Safely.
- Know the hazards of your flammable storage.
- Know the requirements and regulations for storing your hazardous materials.
- Regularly report the number of chemicals you store, and pay flammable storage fees to avoid additional fines.
- Take every step to ensure the safety of your personnel and your community. This includes protecting the environment and ensuring the safety of fire response teams.
- Don’t take shortcuts. As stated in the above article, increasing the number of shipments only increases the dangers associated with flammable storage.