chemical storage building

What is a chemical storage building?

What do you think of when you hear the term chemical storage building? Do images of radioactive waste oozing from barrels in a darkened alley come to mind? Or maybe you envision a Fort Knox type facility that houses dangerous and nefarious substances? The reality is far less exciting but the urgency and importance of…

Protect your craft brewery with U.S. Hazmat Rentals storage lockers with non fire rated chemical storage

Trouble could be brewing in the village Brewhaus before patrons could ever imbibe in that award-winning craft beer. Although breweries are synonymous with ‘good times’ and gatherings with close friends, hidden dangers are commonly lurking just behind the scenes. Breweries commonly used flavorants, hydroxide and various acids. These chemicals need proven steel protection. U.S. Hazmat…

U.S. Hazmat Rentals can offer better ‘living through chemistry’ with hazmat storage containers

Chemistry teachers have recently gotten a pretty bad rap. If you’re familiar with the runaway television show, “Breaking Bad,” you’re more than aware that high school chemists have the chops necessary to turn out some pretty insidious and hideous concoctions. While we were comforted by the forethought that Walter White and Jesse Pinkman were fictional…

Fire-rated chemical storage protection could’ve prevented chemistry lab explosion

College campuses are communities within themselves. These self-contained villages of higher learning are utopias for esteemed younger minds looking to make an undeniable mark upon society. At any university, you can find a cornucopia of academia and research. From science and the humanities to business and the schools of engineering and medicine, college campuses perfectly…