Flammable Chemical Safety

Does your workplace have flammable chemicals? If so are they stored properly?   In any workplace it is very important to have proper flammable chemical storage to ensure for a safe environment. This will protect people and the building or structure they are in because there is a potential for it all to crumble if…

Chemical Spill In California

“7 people exposed to unknown substance at CSU” A chemical if improperly stored has the potential to cause great harm. It was reported by Ventura County Star News on September 29th, 2015 that a chemical spill had caused harm to seven people on the California State University campus. According to VCS News the lab in…

Chemical Storage – Acetone

Acetone Storage Know where and how to store and handle the highly flammable chemical acetone. Do you work at a company where flammable and combustible liquid chemicals are found? Some of these chemicals may include acetone, alcohol, cleaners, gases, and paints; just to name a few. These hazardous liquids assist with many processes and productions used daily in…