Many of us take for granted how fragile life is. Even during mundane and monotonous daily chores, we rarely fathom about how tenuous our existence on this planet really is.
Unfortunately, tragedy can strike at any moment, as we all sit at the precipice of an untimely undoing. None of us are privy to our precise moment of expiration, but it suffices to say that we are all – at some level – cognizant of this grim reality.
Part of this subconscious inkling comes from instability. We are surrounded and encroached by hazards daily. Even an innocuous walk to the park can become quickly impeded by a dangerous undercurrent that seems to be bent on unwinding the fabric of our very existence. The list of possible threats is truly terrifying.
U.S. Hazmat Rentals can mitigate effects from almost any spill
With all the threats to our being permeating and pervading our psyche, as well as our daily lives, we likely don’t consider the more insidious incursions that lurk in the background. Hazardous materials are a prime example of a common threat that we often ignore. But what exactly are hazardous materials? Which dangerous chemicals come to mind when you hear that term?
Thanks to Hollywood, you’re probably familiar with some of the more ‘explosive’ hazardous materials, such as dynamite, blasting caps and unexploded military ordinances. But did you know there are even more sinister and common hazardous materials that are likely lurking in your home or place of business?
Household cleaners pose epic risk, threat
We are talking about household cleaners. That’s right. The same chemicals you use to remove stubborn stains and spills can also cause insurmountable harm and even death.
Recently, a Massachusetts man paid the ultimate price for someone’s negligence in handing dangerous albeit common cleaners. On Nov. 9, Ryan, a well-known and respected manager at the Lawrence Buffalo Wild Wings, was doing what any good supervisor would do: he was looking out for the safety of his dedicated crew members. Suddenly, he noticed a problem. One of his junior employees had neglected basic restaurant protocol and had carelessly combined two common cleaners to address a spill on the restaurant’s floor.
The doomed concoction produced a deadly wave of stifling fumes that soon overpowered Ryan, who had arrived at the distressed employee’s side to help subdue the chemical wave. Unfortunately, Ryan would succumb to the overpowering chemicals. An additional dozen people were also treated for chemical inhalation.
U.S. Hazmat Rentals can isolate and quarantine dangerous chemicals

This was a prime example of a tragedy that could’ve surely been prevented. Industrial and even household cleaners should be treated with the same amount of respect as dynamite or gasoline. The threat doesn’t discriminate either. In fact, children are particularly vulnerable to chemical exposure. The CDC has stated that every day, 374 children in the United States are treated in an emergency department and two die as a result of chemical exposure and poisoning.
Suffice to say, your home can be just as dangerous as the workplace. So how do you safeguard both loved ones and employees from these dangers? The answer is simple: superior protection. U.S. Hazmat Rentals offers a steel line of fire-rated and non-fire rated protection that can accommodate and quarantine multiple classes of hazardous materials.
Superior strength, superior protection

Our lockers are virtually impenetrable. You can think of these units as a miniature maximum-security correctional facility. They isolate proven dangerous culprits and components from the populace and are only released when you see fit. We also offer containment features that can mitigate the effects of a chemical spill or “escape” if one should occur. If a spill does happen, our integrated spill sump will collect the dangerous materials and isolate it from other accelerants until the proper authorities can arrive on the scene.
Temperature inversions are also detrimental to proper chemical storage. Rapid fluxes in hot and cold environments can cause hazardous materials to become unstable and dangerous. We offer climate controlled capabilities that can mitigate such threats while maximizing your peace of mind.