Oct. 7th-13th is National Fire Prevention Week and Oct. 13th is National Home Fire Drill Day.
Did you know October is National Fire Safety Month? Although the autumnal month is better known as, “Spooky Season,” October is a crucial time for fire safety in heavy industries and manufacturing. The Bureau of Labor reported fire as the primary cause of death for nearly 90 occupational fatalities in 2016. Although the grisly statistic of fire-rated deaths is down from a 2015 high of 121 fatalities, the National Fire Protection Association remains dedicated to reducing industrial fire hazards nationwide. Fires from improper chemical storage are a severe liability in most image-conscientious industries. Fire safety should never be a passing trend. Continuous vigilance is in style for every season. Our fire-rated chemical storage buildings can safeguard dangerous chemical stockpiles while protecting your most valuable asset: your employees.
Extinguishing the Primary Causes of Industrial Fires

OSHA, the nation’s regulating advocate for workplace safety, says the improper storage of dangerous chemicals is the leading cause of industrial fires. Moreover, flammable liquids are the most frequently cited source or workplace fires. Flammable liquid stockpiles greater than 25 gallons should always be stored in a safe, well-ventilated area. Authorities having jurisdiction also require the storage of flammable liquids in approved, closed containers. Clearly visible signage with “FLAMMABLE-KEEP AWAY” language should be placed near flammable liquid storage buildings. While not always federally required, chemical storage buildings should be outfitted with mechanical ventilation and climate control. Our automatically activated fire suppression system can also quickly extinguish fires. Optional fire safety measures become a necessity when mitigating hazardous chemicals.
Trust the Experts

U.S. Hazmat Rentals flammable storage buildings can protect various sized chemical stockpiles. Our chemical storage lockers and warehouses adhere to NFPA-30 recommendations and OSHA Regulation 1910.106(d)(5)(vi)(f) for the compliant storage of flammable liquids. Furthermore, our flammable storage buildings more than measure up to the Standard Methods of Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials, NFPA 251-1969. Don’t risk non-compliant chemical storage. Contact us today for a free consultation!