Watching paint dry isn’t much fun. Watching the same flammable chemical destroy everything you worked for isn’t either.
While these chemicals might appear inert, industrial paints and even water-based wall coverings can transform a job site into a raging inferno without proper storage. Although not necessarily prone to explosions, paint can become an accelerant and lead to deadly fires if not stored away in industrial lockers.
OSHA regulations offer strict regulations and guidelines for proper storage. Technical information can be dense and difficult to navigate without the proper guidance of an industry expert. At U.S. Hazmat Rentals, we can provide the best storage solution based on your unique needs. Paints are common materials that can be found on any job site. Autobody repair shops and spray booths and aerospace manufacturing outfits rely on heavy paints daily. U.S Hazmat Rentals serves clients like these daily, so you know you are being protected by an industrial leader in chemical storage solutions. With versatility and ease of access in mind, our flammable paint storage units can also be easily integrated into any existing workflow process.
Remain combustible liquid storage compliant
Paint requires a specific environment for stable composition that doesn’t compromise its integrity. If paint is stored in an abnormally warm environment, its consistency is compromised and can ruin the finished coating during application. Our climate controlled flammable chemical storage solutions keep your paints, solvents and oils at a safe, optimal temperature. If you break any of these flammable liquid storage rules, you could be facing hefty fines or a lawsuit from an injured employee. Don’t let negligence become your company’s legacy.
Fire-rated protection remains best fit option
Our four-hour fire rated structures are going to be your best option in safely storing paint and other flammable liquids. Our rentals will ensure that you meet all OSHA and state regulations in proper storage compliance. What is fire-rated protection you might ask? This is referred to by how long a unit can withstand a fire without structural failing and exposing sensitive materials. Four-hours allows more than enough time for firefighters to arrive on the scene and alleviate the burden of worry. Our two-hour fire rated buildings are also prepared to withstand similar abuse, but on a shorter timeline. The term “flammable liquids storage cabinet” doesn’t do these hand-welded steel units justice. They can stand up to tremendous abuse without compromising the steel’s integrity. With 12-gauge steel protection, your mini Fort Knox is up to the task of safeguarding these dangerous chemicals.