Although oil refineries power America’s industrial core, hydrocarbon production centers pose a multitude of risks to employees and surrounding communities. Negligible petroleum operations can produce fires, toxic air pollution, chemical leaks, and inadvertent personnel exposure. While oil refineries are more commonly associated with the finished petroleum products, other chemical dangerous persist. Onsite benzene, toluene, sulfur dioxide, and other hydrocarbon byproducts can cause serious health hazards if improperly stored. Uninterrupted oil refinement requires onsite flammable materials storage for chemicals susceptible to temperature fluctuations. Even smaller chemical stockpiles are prone to conflagration. Our fire-rated chemical storage for oil refineries protects workers, the environment, as well as the surrounding communities you serve.
Two Dead Following Chemical Leak at Texas Refinery
Two employees at a Texas oil refinery died last week following a hydrogen sulfide leak inside the plant. Nearly 40 other people also received medical treatment for indirect chemical exposure. While the chemical leak necessitated a sizable hazmat emergency response, firefighters said it could be days before investigators can get inside the refinery. Authorities say the accidental gas release occurred during routine maintenance on a refinery flange. City officials also issued a shelter-in-place order for town until the area was deemed again. Although the leak and sudden loss came as a surprise to the community, it was not the first critical hazmat response at the refinery. City officials issued a similar safety order last month during a four-day long pipeline fire.
Common Oil Refinery Dangers
- Fire and explosion risk
- Toxic air pollution
- Chemical leaks
- Toxic Chemical Exposure
- Accidental worker contact with chemicals
Investing in Oil Refinery Chemical Storage
OSHA says no more than 25 gallons of flammable or combustible liquids may be stored in a room outside of an approved storage cabinet. Additionally, OSHA requires no more than 60 gallons of flammable liquid (flashpoint below 140 degrees F) or 120 gallons of combustible (flashpoint at or above 140 degrees F) can be stored in a single chemical storage container or warehouse. Our fire-rated chemical storage lockers and warehouses can safely accommodate large hydrocarbon stockpiles and ancillary chemicals, such as degreasers, cleaners, and lubricants. Moreover, optional fire suppression, climate control, and standard spill sump containment can prevent minor incidents from becoming large-scale hazmat incidents. Contact us today for a free quote and consultation!