Every stage of the manufacturing process is rife with opportunities for danger and serious injury. Even something as seemingly innocuous as mixing and dispensing paint can have disastrous consequences if safety measures aren’t closely followed. Like any hazardous material, paints and coatings must also be stored in a climate controlled setting that can adequately contain spills if they should happen. U.S. Hazmat Rentals has both fire-rated and non fire-rated options for storing totes or 55 gallon drums, so your company can avoid common pitfalls associated with improper paint storage.
Heavy gauge metal paint storage can prevent fires and contamination
Did you know that fire departments nationwide responded to an estimated average of 1,210 fires in warehouse properties per year? Many of these fires are directly attributed to improper storage, including paint mixing and dispensing mishaps. U.S. Hazmat Rentals can mitigate these safety concerns with our heavy-gauge steel welded units that come equipped with explosion proof paneling and lighting. Separation is key in an industrial setting. You simply can’t allow vapors and fumes from one class of hazard materials to linger and interact with other chemicals. One errant spark is all it takes to turn your bustling enterprise into a powder keg. This is why all U.S. Hazmat Rentals lockers offer compartmentalized units that allow for separate and safe storage.
Innovative spill sump containment system in all hazmat liquid storage warehouses
Disaster from improper paint storage is a triple threat. Fire isn’t the only risk associated with careless storage and handling. Along with the dangers associated with inhalation of noxious fumes, companies must also mitigate the risk of spills and leaks. At U.S. Hazmat Rentals, we leave nothing to chance. Too much is riding on the perils of improper storage. To avoid serious injury or contamination, we have installed an innovative spill sump grated floor containment system. If a spill does occur, the hazardous material, or in this case, paint, simply runs through the grated floor and collects into a large container. This prevents environmental contamination, which often results in civil penalties, from happening. The paint or dispensing chemicals remains safely collected in this sump until a hazmat team can professionally collect it.
Two-hour and four-hour superior fire protection
You can think of a U.S. Hazmat Rentals steel storage locker or warehouse as a fortress. Nothing is getting in or out without your approval. These chemical citadels are up to the task of safely storing differing classifications of hazardous materials in separate climate controlled settings. Racks and shelving allow convenient storage options that allow you to access paints, as well as thinners, at any stage of your workflow process. Mechanical ventilation and fire suppression systems adds yet another needed dimension to your arsenal of superior steel protection. We can also offer prefabricated mixing and dispensing steel units that are common in the automotive and aerospace industries.