More often than not, most citations for improper chemical storage can be resolved with corrective measures and a stern warning. Repeat offenders, however, will find their fate hanging perilously in the balance. The most egregious and notorious chemical storage incidents invariably come to an end in the courtroom. Despite persistent warnings and hefty fines, countless noncompliant companies don’t take the hint until it’s far too late. Before realizing the gravity of the repercussions of ignoring commonsense storage practices, obstinate companies find themselves sitting before a judge. Their penalty for recurring violations? Civil injunctions, fines exceeding $1 million and a tongue lashing they won’t soon forget. Even law enforcement and government agencies can be subject to stringent regulation. Public safety and evidence storage lockers can protect not only the rapidly depleting ecosystem, but also government tax dollars.
The Wrong Side of the Law

The EPA, as well as OSHA, don’t play coy about chemical storage regulations. While they may come across as ardent eco warriors or fanatics, there is merit behind their concerns. Thousands of employees sustain life-threatening injuries due to improper storage – that’s not to mention the billions of fines levied against rogue companies that ignore the law. Environmental concerns can also weigh heavy on the psyche of enforcers. Industrial encroachment by the way of pollution continues to threaten our waterways and endangered species. Money is the only language that matters in industry, so federal regulators use fines to get the attention of those who ignore not only common sense, but the fine print of the law.
Public Safety and Evidence Storage Protects All Parties
While on the discussion of no one being above the law, let’s talk about the universal protection found in our public safety and evidence storage lockers. Chemical storage incidents can happen anywhere without warning. Although the bulk of hazmat explosions, fires and leaks occur in heavy industry or the factory floor, the general public isn’t immune from these capricious assaults. Take for example a hazmat incident that occurred recently at the Baltimore County Courthouse. Before the district judge could drop the gavel on the first case of the day, the entire building was put on high alert after staff found a suspicious material. After thorough testing, crews finally gave the “all clear” call but there’s still no word on the composition of the mysterious substance or who left it there.
Public Safety and Evidence Storage for Courthouses and Police Stations

Why would police officers and courthouse staff need chemical storage? Reliable and trusted hazardous material storage protection isn’t just for plants and manufacturers. Explosive storage, such as for ammunition, tear gas and even flare guns, need the same heavy steel welded construction as chemical storage lockers. The same goes for seized firearms, evidence and other sensitive documents that the general public isn’t privy to. Our fire-rated public safety and evidence storage lockers can protect law enforcement and the general public, which might frequent these establishments. Remember, even local government agencies and police departments can find themselves on the wrong side of the law if the EPA and OSHA discover negligent storage practices. Stay compliant and save millions in fines, as well as from negative publicity with U.S. Hazmat Rentals. Contact us today for a free quote!
Protect Officers and Public With Steel Welded Safe Room Protection

As you probably already know, it’s not just dastardly chemicals you have to worry about in law enforcement. Mass shootings and mayhem continue to steal newspaper headlines away from the unsung heroes of law enforcement. How many times have you heard of a bomb threat being called into a courthouse? You don’t have to search very far on Google to see how these incidents are on the rise. Tensions and emotions will always run high in the courtroom, so the chances of an armed confrontation between conflicting parties will be higher than other public environments. Then there’s also the high concentration of offenders at the courthouse looking for a way out of trouble, by any means necessary. And unfortunately, police presence does little to deter evil doers bent on vigilante justice or evading the legal system. Our steel welded safe rooms gives officers, attorneys and visitors an extra level of protection in the event of shootings, bomb threats and other mass assaults.