Swimming pools are the oases of summer. Many of our most fondest childhood memories include basking in the rejuvenating sunshine before taking a enticing dip of the effervescent waters of the neighborhood swimming pools. They felt as natural and refreshing as church on a Sunday morning. Many of our “firsts” came from these modern watering holes. Swimming pools are also a rite of passage and played an integral role in our social developments. They are truly timeless. Even cell phones and screen time can’t compete with this universal call of summer. But if not properly maintained, pristine pools can transformed into seedy breeding grounds for disease. U.S Hazmat Rentals fire-rate line of swimming pool chemical storage can help maintain clean and sanitary facilities all summer long.
Fire-rated chemical storage lockers are resistant to corrosive poolside conditions
Sanitation is a top priority at any swimming pool or hot tub. Whenever you’re dealing with a large number of people, you must take their health very serious. Like restaurants and other public venues, swimming pools are subject to health codes. The safety of your pool’s guests and visitors is in your hands. Failure to abide by these stringent guidelines can result in fees and closure. Perfecting proportions of common sanitizers and pool chemicals is truly a balancing act. If not properly maintained with proper chemicals, such as Chlorine and Bromine, you could be inviting algae, fungi and other infectious diseases into your swimming party. Oxidizers are also powerful decontaminants that must be properly stored in a cool, climate controlled environment. Our line of fire-rated lockers are designed with swimming pools in mine. These venerable lockers can store large quantities of chlorine and bromine through our innovative tote pallet storage system that allows for the easy retrieval of chemicals.
Climate controlled storage will maintain consistency of expensive pool maintenance chemicals.
Certain pool chemicals can also become a hazard when become dampened by excessive water. U.S. Hazmat Rentals non fire-rated swimming pool chemical storage allow for the dry convenient storage of these chemicals in proximity to your swimming facilities without exposing them to water. Certain oxidizing pool chemicals can also become highly reactive and generate excessive temperatures if not properly stored. Once activated, these otherwise benign chemicals can release harmful toxins and vapors. Unique compartmentalization and shelving separate volatile pool cleaning chemicals from possible reactants. Climate control and optional air conditioning can prevent these chemicals from reaching critical mass. Volatile pool cleaning chemicals should be treated with the same respect of explosive materials. One errant spark could create a catastrophic chemical incident at your community or hotel swimming pool. Mechanical fan forced and passive ventilation systems can remove excessive moisture from these storage lockers, so your chemicals remain inert.
Common industry uses for storing swimming pool chemicals
- Schools
- Universities
- Parks
- Recreation centers
- Retirement communities
- Hotels and Hospitality Industry
- Amusement and water parks