Chemical fires are unlike any other conflagration. They start quickly, have ample supply of ammunition and can burn for hours. Fires of these magnitudes can affect entire communities as the emitting fumes and toxins will poison the surrounding environment. Large scale evacuations become standard procedure when dealing with these massive flames. Once a flame comes in contact with a sizeable payload of flammable materials, there’s just not much you can do to stop the spread. Unlike other small-scale combustions, chemical fires can quickly engulf entire warehouses. Firefighters in Malaysia came face with this reality while trying to extinguish a warehouse fire in Nibong Tebal. Any insight or cursory investigation won’t shed much light on what exactly cause the fire, but we wouldn’t be surprised to learn that lax safety measures weren’t to blame. Fire-rated storage can prevent flammable materials from fueling unruly fires for hours to come, and save your company more than just a little face when the OSHA inspectors come to visit with their trusty clipboards.
Removing the Root Cause of Disaster
Upon the firefighters’ arrival, they found the fire was raging and an estimated 70 per cent of the warehouse was affected. The fire affected a warehouse covering an area of 3,716 square meters used to store various chemical and flammable liquids, causing the fire to spread quickly.
Fires can’t start without an ignition source or a large fuel stockpile that it can feed on for hours. While we may not know the cause of the Malaysian warehouse fire, firefighters are certain the bulk supply of chemical liquids enabled the fire to spread to an uncontrollable magnitude. It took more than 100 firefighters and 10 fire engines to completely extinguish the flames that lasted for several hours. No injuries or fatalities were reported but the building was deemed a total loss. When it comes to storing dangerous flammable chemicals, separation is key. Fire-rated storage lockers from U.S. Hazmat Rentals can be a front-line defense against unsatiable flames that can demolish more than just profits and an untarnished reputation.
Fire Rated Storage Lockers For Superior Factory and Industrial Protection

Flammable chemicals exist at almost any job-site or stage of manufacturing. Even your typical run of the mill consumer goods and harmless trinkets require some heavy duty elbow grease or precursor materials to get the job done. Take for example a shoe factory. Everybody in civilized society have worn these for at least an extended period of time. Seriously, who do you know that doesn’t wear shoes? And when have you ever heard of shoes starting a fire? But like most consumer products, large-scale shoe manufacturing takes drums or barrels of flammable adhesives to hold the fabric together. If left exposed to the elements or potential ignition sources, adhesive fires can leave more than just a sticky situation to sift through during the aftermath. It seems as if no industry can efficiently and safely finish the job without flammable chemicals. Even the most organic of operations need flammable industrial grade lubricants and cleaners to keep the gears of machinery turning smoothly.
Fireproof Your Jobsite With Steel Protection
Industrial sized jobs need industrial size protection. Our fire rated storage lockers can be implemented safely and securely into any existing job-site without interrupting day-to-day operations. Like we said, when it comes to guaranteed protection on the job-site segregating chemicals of differing classifications is key. Our fire rated storage lockers are made of heavy duty steel than can also prevent errant sparks from finding their way to vulnerable chemicals.