Fire rated chemical storage rentals can restore calm to hospitals during pandemics

Hospitals could soon reach their breaking point as they become overwhelmed with patients seeking care from the latest world pandemic. Although it is far too early to tell how severe the crisis could become, hospitals nationwide are already taking the necessary steps to handle a possible influx of patients. Many medical facilities have already set…


Fire rated chemical storage rentals can protect your company from the perils of improper storage

Proper chemical storage isn’t just about purchasing the right metal locker to store hazardous materials. It’s also about receiving industry leading expertise from qualified building advisers, who have more than 35 years of experience in the chemical storage business. By investing in our fire rated chemical storage rentals, you are making an investment in your…


Protect your craft brewery with U.S. Hazmat Rentals storage lockers with non fire rated chemical storage

Trouble could be brewing in the village Brewhaus before patrons could ever imbibe in that award-winning craft beer. Although breweries are synonymous with ‘good times’ and gatherings with close friends, hidden dangers are commonly lurking just behind the scenes. Breweries commonly used flavorants, hydroxide and various acids. These chemicals need proven steel protection. U.S. Hazmat…


U.S. Hazmat Rentals can offer better ‘living through chemistry’ with hazmat storage containers

Chemistry teachers have recently gotten a pretty bad rap. If you’re familiar with the runaway television show, “Breaking Bad,” you’re more than aware that high school chemists have the chops necessary to turn out some pretty insidious and hideous concoctions. While we were comforted by the forethought that Walter White and Jesse Pinkman were fictional…


Don’t risk catastrophe,rely on U.S. Hazmat Rentals steel protection for proper battery storage

We often warn customers and custodians of hazardous materials of the worst-case scenarios. Seldomly are those fears ever realized. Another close call with complete chaos and utter ruin was reported in Connecticut last month when a battery fire at a power plant nearly resulted in an environmental crisis. Without warning or even the hint of…
