Do You Need a Safety Training Program?

Rules. Rules. Rules. OSHA has rules and regulations for every industry. Failure to abide by stringent regulations will result in an unexpected visit from a compliance officer. But why is this federal agency so obsessed with regulations and basic safety standards that even a neanderthal could make sense of? Increases in worker compensation claims from…

Downhole Battery Pack Storage

Downhole Battery Pack Storage

Oil drilling is just as complex as rocket science, but instead of exploring alien worlds, engineers explore what’s lurking below the earth’s surface. In this case, we’re of course talking about oil and how to get it out of the ground. And just like guiding a rocket ship deep into the oblivion of space, guiding…


Top Storage Accidents of 2022

Accidents will continue to haunt the workplace until necessary precautions can reel in negligent behavior. We live in a precarious world with limits of physics and gravity weighing us down, and sometimes – our common sense with it. Rules of the natural world don’t care about your quarterly profits or brand recognition. Fires and flashpoints…


Is This The Beginning of WW3?

History is always better viewed in hindsight. We never know we are living through tumultuous times until years later. Without proper context, it’s impossible to understand how current events will shape the future. In the early months of WWII, the world didn’t understand the full scope of the international conflict. Many people thought it was…
